Ani was interviewed on last week's Sound Opinions, and they asked about the steady, patient grind she has exemplified for twenty years. In response, she said:
Yeah, I think I've grown my patience, as I got older. But I think what I did have in the beginning was just a lust what I do, for making music. It was so exciting to me to play in a bar for five people; especially if I could see their eyes and smell them and you know, making that connection was always very exciting to me. So, I wasn't holding out for the rock star dream or waiting to be happy or fulfilled with my art. I think what passed for patience for me in the beginning was just sincerely being thrilled with whatever kind of performance or low, obscure situation I was in.
There is a koan, "If you meet the Bhudda, kill him." Whatever your conception of enlightenment, whatever your conception of your goal, it is wrong. You must discard ideas of the form "If I could just... then I'd be happy." Do not hold your happiness hostage. Find satisfaction in the present, and in the process of striving toward the future.