Saturday, May 17, 2008

Sleepless in Seattle

Oh, I'm ever so clever with my blog titles.

Here's the deal, I almost never sleep soundly through the night. I can't remember when my sleeplessness began. I almost always go to bed at about 10:30 pm and get out of bed in the morning at 6:00 am (in the summer) or 7:00 am (in the winter). The problem is that most nights I wake up at least once (usually 2 or 3 am) or twice (1 and 4 am). When I do wake up I really wake up and can't usually get back to sleep easily. Often I resort to browsing the web for an hour or so until I can get tired enough to go back to sleep.

This all seems pretty bad to me. I have a good bed (I think). My room is dark and my neighborhood is generally quiet.

I wish I didn't keep waking up. I've searched the web for suggestions and so far nothing has really changed this trend.

More Suggestions
Even More Suggestions

I'm not willing to take any drugs to facilitate sleep. Humans were able to sleep for thousands of years without pills and I'm not going to break that trend.


Unknown said...

Many people are sensitive to either noise or light, some are sensitive to both. If you're sensitive to light try a blindfold. I have this one:

I use it when I want to sleep late or if I'm a little restless.

If you think you might be sensitive to noise try one of these:

Lia uses one of these (so by extension, I do) and they're pretty nice. They don't make cricket or ocean sounds or anything like that, just pure white noise. Sounds a little like a fan.

DF said...

How much do you exercise? How much coffee do you drink?

Depending on the answers to those questions, less caffeine and especially regular aerobic exercise may be useful.

DF said...

Ha ha, I love some of these tips for you from your links:

"Incorporate bedtime rituals. Listening to soft music, sipping a cup of herbal tea, etc."

I would think that would just make you want to kill someone.

vengroff said...

I'll second the white noise. We have one of these:

All the waves and jungle noises are crap, but the plain white noise works great.

enthalpyx said...

This probably doesn't square with your fitness goals, but drinking milk does the trick for me.