Monday, April 28, 2008

Fathoming the Depths of JJ's Psyche

Recently it seems that I'm spending more time than I'd like lying awake in bed from 2am to 4am. Most nights I just lie there wishing I was asleep, listening to the BBC on NPR, or thinking about how tired I will be at work the next day. However, the other night I decided to get up and grab the laptop from the other room.

I decided to catch up on my Boing Boing reading. However, for some reason Firefox had lost its ability to render Flash content which means every video link stopped working. At this point, unbeknownst to me at the time, an interesting psychological experiment began -- what link would finally get me to reinstall Flash on my laptop? Here's the list of video links I passed by and the final link that got me to reinstall Flash. I'll leave it to the reader to determine what this says about me.

Videos that didn't make the cut.
Subterranean Japanese bike-parking robot
Creepy/catchy "It's not a compound" polygamists remix
Re-creation of "Who's On First routine"
Experiment: 96% of passers-by ignore famous artist's street painting
NYPD cop: videoing me breaking the law is a terrorist act
BBtv: Krach der Roboter, the circuit bending noise-bot

The video that finally caused me to reinstall Flash.
Inflatable tube man dances to Cream's "Glad"


jmr said...

The "Who's on first" recreation would have been worth reinstalling flash, IMO, but I really liked the dancing tube man as well.

DF said...

I get little insight into your psyche by that list of videos. Bummer you are awake 2am-4am.

On a related note, I am look for more visual things as I practice trumpet (text or photos), while the world hurtles towards more video and audio. Sad for me.