Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Oops, that was a lawyer we just stepped on...

On slashdot, so maybe already by seen by everyone, but I was amused. Monster Cable sent a C&D letter to a competitor not realizing the target's president was a lawyer. The guy's response:

Blue Jeans Cable Strikes Back - Response to Monster Cable

It's long, but the entertaining part is the last three or so large paragraphs. I especially liked, "Not only am I unintimidated by litigation; I sometimes rather miss it."


jmr said...

It may be that my inability to see the pragmatic value of settling frivolous claims is a deep character flaw... but it is how I have done business for the last quarter-century and you are not going to change my mind.


DF said...

I'm glad that what appears to be frivolous Monster claims are being combated to the fullest extent. However, I notice that a lot of the letter hinges on Monster producing huge amounts of documentation, one might say excessively burdensome. From the outside, lawyering appears to be won on technicalities.