Saturday, April 12, 2008

What was the #1 song on the day you were born?

Via reddit:

It seems inauspicious that for me it's "Mama Told Me (Not to Come)."


DF said...

"Bridge over Troubled Water"


sjn said...

"Tossin' and Turnin'", says the old guy in the room.

My older brother had some 45s, and apparently he bought #1 singles, because both of Dan and John's songs were in that little stack of discs (about a dozen).

The copy of "Bridge" had been manufactured with the hole a bit off-center, so anytime I hear the song now I think it's odd that the pitch doesn't waver back and forth. :-)

The only other song I remember being in the stack was "Ride Captain Ride" (Blues Image). Not sure if it made it to #1... JJ?

jmr said...

Jenny's was pleased that hers was "Joy To The World." My brother-in-law was less enthused to find that his was "My Sweet Lord, Isn't It A Pity."

WanderMom said...

You & I were obviously born the same week. I got "Mama told me..." too!